
Kids are awarded stripes as encouragement to continue training and developing their skills in the art. As they grow on and off the tatami they will be graded their stripes. After they receive four stripes their next grading will be a change in belt colour.

Kids Coloured Belts

When your child grades to their first or next belt it is an indicator that they’re learning and developing a higher level of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and self defence.

A change in belt can only be achieved through gaining 3 stripes.

A basic outline learning curve for adult belts
White belt  
surviving, defending & escaping, framing.  

Blue belt
Timing, transition, technique

Purple belt
Knowing your game, Building systems, experimenting 

Brown belt
counters, perfecting timing, understanding your own body 
knowing what techniques work best in particular situations 
understanding of efficacy. 

Black belt
self development though deep understanding of concepts and principles. 
ability to make small adjustment that can change you game. 
high development of efficacy. 
understanding the art in infernent